Managing underperforming employees

Underperformance can happen for a vast number of reasons and if it is not dealt with, it can create resentment and hostility among teams.   In many businesses the term “Performance Management” has negative connotations and is considered to be a consequence of an underperforming employee. In contrast, The CIPD define Performance Management as a … Read more

What do employees really want from their job?

Despite the uncertainty in the economic climate, recent figures show that the number of jobs is on the rise.[1] Combine this with the fact there is a growing skills gap, it means that it’s a candidate’s market, with more opportunities and more competition for top talent.   According to The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), … Read more

How to stay healthy in a desk job

Lots of jobs in the HR industry involve working at a desk and using a computer for long periods of time, five days a week.   People who spend most of their day sitting have a greater risk of facing health problems including obesity, back problems, eye and sight complaints and headaches. A scary thought. … Read more